In AKLOEwe define ourselves as a strategic consulting company that aims to build long-term, close relationships with our clients.
We have been in the market for 10 years, working alongside companies in their transformation processes, and in recent years, with a greater emphasis onDigitala phenomenon we understand as business transformation with the customer and employees at the center, strongly leveraged by technologies.
Just as contexts change, so do our clients and their needs, which is why we have also decided to adapt our services and our consulting approach. Leveraging the rapidly evolving technologies in this digital age, we have created an e-consulting service through a platform. 100% digital for our clients, which we callPrismart”.
But why Prismart? Its name consists of two words: Prisma y Smart.
But why Prisma?
In Optics,a prism is an object capable of refracting, reflecting, and decomposing light into the colors of the rainbow.
Although the prism has been known for some time, the 'transformation' splitting of sunlight into multiple colors" continues to be unexplained, and colors are still considered as mixtures of light and shadow.

And digital transformation is a process that consists of several enablers, according to our experience, 15:
- Strategy
- Business Models
- Governance
- Processes
- Technology
- Data and Analytics
- Operating Model
- Intellectual Property
- Persons
- Employee Lifecycle
- Organizational Structure
- Stakeholders
- Branding
- Customers
- Sustainability
Conducting a maturity analysis allows us to break down a phenomenon that companies are experiencing and understand it as the sum of its variables. These variables could be a light that enhances the transformation process or something closer to a shadow if it's slowing it down.
Considering the above, PRISMART it is an ally in breaking down the current situation, symptoms, and strengths into a deeper understanding of the variables that impact the success of the business transformation process.

Understanding business transformation as the result of managing a set of enablers requires a strong ability to orchestrate. Considering that we have 15 enablers, many areas involved, responsible for these variables, and different expectations about the pace of transformation, it is necessary to have valuable information to make decisions on how to proceed in the process in a "smart way""smart"”.
Where do I start? Which enablers require the most effort and, therefore, resources? Which can I resolve internally, and for which ones do I need third-party support? How long will it take to meet the expectations of senior management? Which ones will generate impact more quickly? These are some of the questions that arise when embarking on this journey.

In the face of this, PRISMARTit becomes a partner that will accompany everyone driving digital transformation in the organization, offering them valuable information with a blend of consulting and a platform.
PRISMART allows you to understand digital transformation and manage it intelligently.